file BaseCamp - versão 4.2.5 em distribuição

01 Out. 2013 13:42 - 18 Dez. 2013 01:08 #1 por Filohipo
Filohipo criou o tópico: BaseCamp - versão 4.2.5 em distribuição
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BaseCamp - versão 4.2.5 em distribuição. De momento apenas para Windows / PC

Nova versão do programa gratuito da Garmin que permite visualizar no PC os mapas instalados no GPS.
Também permite visualizar no PC todos os POI do

Changes made from version 4.2.2 to 4.2.3:

Fixed imported files not creating lists in the proper place
Added ability to remove and delete user data when a list folder is selected
Added keyboard arrow key handlers to the geotagged photo properties dialog
Added support for joining tracks when the track point timestamps don't line up
Added support for a transparent color in Custom POI files
Added export of waypoints, routes, and tracks to KML
Added reading of fitness courses from Edge devices, these are converted to tracks
Improved quick search responsiveness, speed of searches, and usability
Improved Trip Planner UI display refresh and sizing behavior
Change so that 'Install Maps' and 'Check for device software updates' menu items are always visible and enabled
Change to recalculate the route if needed when the route properties dialog is hidden, not just when selection changes
Change so that list folders aren't required to have unique names in the same parent folder
Fixed issue with junction view information in routes not being calculated correctly, may not work on certain older devices
Fixed issue with track stats not updating after editing the track
Fixed various issues with Trip Planner
Fixed issue with reading some map files from newer PND devices
Fixed issue with some drag/drop operations
Fixed rounding of dimensions in truck and RV routing options
Fixed issue with displaying many error dialogs if a device is unplugged during a transfer
Fixed drag/drop of an Adventure from find results into Trip Planner
Fixed issue when creating a route from a Yelp find result that failed to geocode
Fixed issue with fitness data not being preserved when sharing data with Garmin cloud storage
Última Edição: 18 Dez. 2013 01:08 por Filohipo.
Os seguintes utilizadores Agradeceram: Júlio_Rocha

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28 Out. 2013 23:49 #2 por Filohipo
Filohipo respondeu ao tópico BaseCamp - versão 4.2.4 em distribuição
Changes made from version 4.2.3 to 4.2.4:

* Fixed error when deleting the last track point in a track

* Fixed 'Arrive Continue' guidance issue on zumo 660

* Fixed address search issue when running in languages other than English

* Fixed user data from FIT files not being read from the Edge 800

* Fixed error when removing user data from a list or list folder

* Fixed error when using Trip Planner

* Fixed error when selecting a track to create an Adventure from.

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18 Dez. 2013 01:02 - 18 Dez. 2013 01:07 #3 por Filohipo
Filohipo respondeu ao tópico BaseCamp - versão 4.2.5 em distribuição
Changes made from version 4.2.4 to 4.2.5:

* Fixed strings being displayed in multiple languages in the UI
* Fixed long delay when changing the activity profile of a route on the route dialog
* Fixed long delay when converting a track into a route
* Fixed issue where changing the activity profile of an individual route leg wasn't applied unless one of the via times was also changed
* Fixed issue clicking Next on the geotagged photo properties dialog when there is only one photo in the list
* Fixed long delays when selecting many points in the track point list
* Fixed long delays when pasting many points in the track point list
* Improved robustness of auto-saving user data
Última Edição: 18 Dez. 2013 01:07 por Filohipo.
Os seguintes utilizadores Agradeceram: Júlio_Rocha

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22 maio 2014 18:12 - 22 maio 2014 18:14 #4 por jccrlops
jccrlops respondeu ao tópico BaseCamp - versão 4.3.1 em distribuição
Changes made from version 4.2.5 to 4.3.1:
Added waypoint categories to the waypoint and bulk waypoint property dialogs
Added the Task Based Startup Menu allowing users to choose what they want to do giving more help into what BaseCamp can do
Added an Address search UI that operates more like MapSource
Added Find Intersection to the Find menu
Added richer context menus in most tools on the map
Added feature to calculate a route that tries to match the shape of a track
Added feature to optimize routes within trip planner
Added a way to make it easier to find recently downloaded BirdsEye imagery
Added a way to filter Adventures by activity when using Find
Added indication of Adventure selected on the map
Added display of route stats while editing the route on the map
Added display of track stats while editing the track on the map
Added a device information dialog
Added support for curvy road route calculation
Added 'snap to' indicator on the map when drawing new points in a route
Added ability to exclude track portions in the track join dialog
Added an 'Off Road' profile and clarified the difference between Off Road and ATV
Added a prompt to preserve the original tracks when joining tracks
Added a hotkey to open and close the overview map
Added elevation statistics to the route dialog
Added statistics display to the bulk route properties dialog
Added ability to remove shaping points from routes in the data list
Added display of rubber band when moving a waypoint on the map
Added display of state and country city search results
Added ability to create lists in the 'Send To' dialog
Added an 'uncheck all' option when managing Custom POIs
Added support for Lat/Lon coordiantes that are missing cardinal direction indicators
Added a comment column for tracks in the data list
Added more descriptive messages if export errors are encountered
Added FIT file support to the Import dialog
Improved performance when device maps are discovered for the first time
Improved address search on device or card maps
Improved balloons on the map
Improved drawing performance of large tracks and routes
Improved performance of filtering a track
Improved waypoint search performance
Improved discoverability of Adventure Edit, Publish, and View Online actions
Improved display of individual track portions in the track join dialog
Improved device communications performance when transferring photos
Improved notification that a subscription is needed for a selected BirdsEye product
Improved recovery from corrupted cache information from device maps
Simplified default toolbar layout to exclude some editing tools
Changed the map product selection combobox to be hidden in the default layout
Fixed issue with encrypted Custom POI search (for RV and dezl devices)
Fixed issues with routes that have multiple transportation modes
Fixed device calculated ascent and descent values not being displayed
Fixed Trip Planner crash when adding food stops to trips
Fixed Basestation not updating most recent update time for contacts
Fixed issue with reading photo waypoints that had missing photos
Fixed map points remaining on the map after turning off all points
Fixed Adventure playback not taking track speed into consideration
Fixed a possible error when creating backup files
Fixed issue with inverted routes maintaining previous departure times
Fixed various language translations
Removed printing restriction for card and device based map products.
Última Edição: 22 maio 2014 18:14 por jccrlops.
Os seguintes utilizadores Agradeceram: de sousa, MiguelS84

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